Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I've recently been reading the book The Blessed Life by Robert Morris. What a great read! I highly recommend it. I've learned so much about managing my money and how God wants us to use His money!

I experienced something amazing recently though that I have to share. This book explains how your tithe is the first fruits of your labor. If we don't tithe, we are robbing God. Malachai 3. I don't want to do that! Also, it's the first fruits of our labor that we are to give to God. In Romans 11:16 it says that when we give our first fruits, the rest of the lump of money is blessed and holy. I was the rest of my money to be holy!

After this, I learned about my offerings being what I give away after I have tithed. Tithing is just returning to God what is His and then our offerings are in addition to the tithe. The offerings are the part God works with in our hearts. I had no idea how hard it would be to give just a little bit more away!! I did it though. I gave $20 over my tithe. That doesn't seem like a lot, but it sure was hard to let go of. After that, I gave a dollar and some change once and then a dollar and forty something cents another time. That's about $22.42 right? God works with our offerings right? Later that week, I got my tax refund. It was exactly 10 times that amount. $2,242. Amazing.

I love it! I'm growing so much. God is so good. I am excited.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Cherry Blossom 2010

The Cherry Blossom Festival!!!! I wait ALL year for it! I love it so much. There is so much diversity in one small compact spot. :) The traffic. The beautiful trees. Spring finally arriving. Tourists! Cameras. Paddle boats. Illegal crossings of the street. Bike riders. Dogs. Indians. Spanish speakers. Asians. African Americans. Caucasians. Strollers. Couples in love. Angry police officers. Yelling. Honking. Laughing. Frisbees. Kites.

Well, I just love it. In my opinion, hands down, the best time of the year in Washington, DC.

This year, I experienced the beautiful adventure with my friends Sherman and Samantha. What wonderful people!

While we were walking, avoiding branches hitting our heads and being snapped in an unavoidable picture, I had this overwhelming desire to become friends with every Indian person I saw!!!! There were so many of them! I was amazed! They were so beautiful with their sarees. The little children had pierced ears with gold jewelry. A lot of them had red and sparkly dots on their foreheads. Some younger women had red down the parts in their hair. The older men had a special way of walking with their hands behind their backs. The older women were serious and looked like they had been through a lot. They were definitely demanding of respect. The younger women dressed in Western clothing and looked happy and so pretty. I am inspired to seriously surround myself with Indians! The amount I saw today tells me there is a serious population in the city. I have to meet them!

How many Indian people can you spot in this photo?