Sunday, March 21, 2010

Get this show on the road!

It has been a while since I've written on this blog. I have to admit that I lost my momentum for a little while. I was starting to doubt that going to India was what I was supposed to do. I didn't know what I was supposed to do next! I decided what I was doing with my life at the River School was not getting me closer to going to India.

Isn't God amazing in knowing exactly what we need when we need it? I went to a leader's meeting at my church. A man from the Virginia church was attending the meeting that day. Grace Covenant Church is part of a world wide church called Every Nation. My church in DC was started by the Virginia Grace Covenant Church. The man, Pastor Jim Critcher, is a prophet. He hears from God often! How amazing! Paul talks about prophecy in 1 Corinthians 14 if you would like to learn more.

Pastor Jim was walking around the room encouraging, comforting, and confirming events in people's lives. I was thinking, "Oh, I don't need a prophecy. I'm fine. Someone else needs it more than I do." All of a sudden, BOOM, he puts his hands on my shoulders. He told me that I feel like I have had to hurry, hurry, hurry the past few years while I was trying to graduate from Gallaudet University.

Read the full prophecy in my blog entry below.

He said I need to remember that the things in my heart are not dead.

From that day on, my mind has been racing to figure out what steps are ahead. I helped to plan a trip that some of the people in my church went on to South Africa. They helped with an orphanage called Baby Haven who take in homeless children from the suburbs of Johannesburg. I learned some of the behind the scenes steps for sending a group of people short term to a foreign country.

The next step is right around the corner! There is more to come on that step soon, as soon as I find out. Macau, China and Manila, Philippines may be in the future for my summer.

Isn't God amazing? :)

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