Wednesday, August 6, 2008


I've been in Iowa for a week today. I have been blessed with the pleasure to see two couples become one in marriage and to wish a friend well at a wedding shower! It has been wonderful to see some amazing people find their God given helper for life. I feel like I am ready to get married, but I am working towards understanding that God will give me a husband when I am ready and if I am supposed to be married.

My India goals for the summer have not been so amazing since I've gotten home. The fasting, check. Learning one new thing about India each day, no check. A friend told me about an amazing thing. On Google, there is Google Alerts and they send you a list each day of anything in the news about a subject you want to know about. I get something about India each day, so I am trying to keep up on those. I am planning to cook an Indian meal on Friday and then watch a Bollywood movie afterwards. I haven't made an India friend yet.

The update for the week is that I contacted two people I met three years ago in LA. They are Chris Hale and Peter Hicks. Both of them came from missionary families and grew up in India. After a few years, they started writing worship music in the Indian music style! Pretty awesome! Their website is I decided to contact them again and ask them for any help or as a contact for questions. They said they remembered me and would love to be a contact! They also gave me a couple of names of people who may know more about deaf people in India!! So great! God is definitely still working and I need to keep pursuing this goal. It is very easy to become distracted at home.

I almost blew away in a storm when I was camping with my brother's on Monday! There was such a strong wind and so much lightning/thunder that the camp site 15 feet from us was crushed by a tree that broke from the top! We had to hold on to the tent from the inside to keep it down after all the steaks blew out. Bad news. Kung Fu Panda came along too, but didn't catch any fish. :( Maybe some trip we will finally catch something and cook it for dinner. Until then, we'll be eating back-up hot dogs.

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