Friday, August 15, 2008

Overtaking, Passing, and Desire

I will definitely miss Iowa. There is just so much SKY!!! Everywhere you look, sky! I can't get over it. I had a fantastic time seeing my family and friends. It is really a wonderful place. I woke up pretty sad this morning realizing that I was back in DC and wouldn't get to hang out with my family all day like I had gotten used to the past two weeks.

My drive to DC was fun? No, not really, but I did learn some things. God painted a wonderful sunrise for me to start my trip. I really do love looking at the sky. I forgot to even look at how many stars you can see until the last day I was there!! UGH! I left at 5am and arrived in DC (with an hour time difference) at midnight. Talk about a long day. I had a wonderful stop in Chicago to visit with my cousin and then Indiana and Ohio were next. They are rough states! Those cops were seriously everywhere.

Imagine this, you're driving along listening to a book on your ipod learning about the desire in your heart and how God put it there for a reason. You're thinking about what your desires are and what you are doing in your life that really make you passionate and driven. You are wondering where you have been hurt the most in life and if that is your true passion/gift that God has given you.... then all of a sudden, a cop is pulling 5 people over behind you in order to get to you....

Give me a break Indiana!! They had a silly rule about merging when a two lane goes to one lane. People merged 1/2 mile before the actual lane ended and I got pulled over because I was driving in that lane and merging where the lane ended!!! Are you serious?? The cop said I was passing and overtaking a vehicle. I was so confused. He was gufaffing at me though that I wouldn't know that law. He thought I was putting on an act to be completely clueless about what I had obviously just done. Well, apparently it was a $165 lesson for me to learn and I will now drive with more caution in Indiana since they apparently have some laws the rest of the nation do not have.

It's time to crack down here in DC though. Orientation and my life as a 3rd grade teacher/speech pathologist start on Tuesday. What did I get myself in to? Who would have ever thought I'd be a 3rd grade teacher? I don't know anything about kids that old. I don't want my life to be consumed with work this year though. I need to start setting times aside to do more things that I enjoy instead of worshiping work and feeling the need to find purpose in working every second of the day.

I need to do fun things like going to the Iowa State Fair and seeing a giant statue of Shawn Johnson carved out of butter. It's the little things that make Iowa such a great place to live.

1 comment:

MS said...

First of all, WHAT? The cop still gave you a ticket for that ridiculous reason?? What a jerk. Second of all, BUTTER? Dear Iowa, you need to find a new hobby. Love, Everyone Else.

Third, love you girl. Justin was doing a long drive and our transmission died. So glad yours didn't.